Monday, January 3, 2011


mood: intrigued
locale: moms chair
song: eclipsed
the mirrors reflection captures your grace,
as i write a song for you.
but i'm the one who wants to see your face.
yes, just us two.
open up your heart.
for we are the two starcrossed lovers
forced to play this part.
oh serenity
it rests in your hands
all our future
what we've always had planned
take it away
take it from me
i keep coming back for you
oh serenity
rhythm. its all off.
i don't capture anything. ever.
kansas. i want to be there. with cooper jean. she misses me. i miss her. we need to be together.
brown eyes, green eyes, such different people. but heaven knows we are one and the same.
not grave-ity
so, the newest discovery that presents itself to me in the most desirable way would happen to be the mug* (name has been changed to protect the identity of the innocent)
pictures, quotes, blogs. its fantastic.
crafts, patterns, recipes, fabulous-fabulous photography.
let me explain to you something.
i don't know if any of you have happened to have watched or read any of the Twilight series, but i am an extreme fan of Jacob. I think its the thought of that dark skin against pale skin.
but actually, its the whole deemed composition of hard work and love that never pays off.
the theme of my life.
there have been too many ups and downs.
and i've lived with my bad decisions.
like the bean. pea.
like the first wedding failure.
like the life i've created for myself out of all of my mistakes.
for most, the intense passion of love and desire comes once--if you're chosen.
when tasted the first time, its hard to ever fully dispose of the impossibility of the thought, the emotional capacity of your world comes down to the happiness of one person, and once too often its never reciprocrated.
and yet we still work so hard to make them the happiest they've ever been.
you sense change and hope that all works out for the better, but you're left confused and stumbling and wondering what it is that you needed in the first place.
i miss it.
i have it.
i hate it.
i gave it away.
he still has it.
just like the quote says.
and unfortunately,
it will never be mine again.
in the same contorted instance,
i opt out of the option of repossesion.
but that is the price of serenity.

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