Thursday, March 18, 2010

Young Coyotes.

local:floor of the bedroom...again

my nose is fat. it was abruptly brought to my attention today while taking pictures. it has a slightly wide bridge! for all these years, i've felt as if my face were quite lovely, but now I see my nose as a humongously large appendage on my face! its horrid! bloody horrid.

so as you know, i made a vow to push myself into society. well thats been going famously.. if only i could dream for that.. i've gone on several dates since then.. two with a bloke named Spencer, and a casual flirtation with a boy named Michael, but i know who the true victim is going to be.. the most handsome fellow my eyes have beheld, and with some luck (and some powder to disguise my fat nose), and prayer, he will be mine.

in the most reprehensive form of honesty, i am only sitting in my floor writing to you now in need to procrastinate just a while longer before completing the final pages of my paper that is due tomorrow morning. i daresay its a wonderful piece of work.. it makes absolutely no sense, but hopefully the mistress will be able to understand it enough that is passes. i just need the credits.. and then off to graduate school.

today was a complete disaster. last night i took a muscle relaxer, and did not take note of the time.. it was ingested around 10 30 pm. I was awoke this morning at about 6 15, and could barely function for all the fog that i was in! getting to the school was torturous.. i dozed through my first class, and completely blanked through my entire second one, only to wake up long enough to finish the last 15 minutes of my third class.

but all is well now. i'm finishing off my second cup of caffienated coffee.. hopefully it will buzz me through the rest of the night.. i hope it does anyway.

well, i'm off to the wonderous land of misguided apprehension in the workings of the world. i shall catch up with you soon.. Cheers.

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