Thursday, February 18, 2010

Deleting the Bad

our fair ex lover has been thoroughly deleted. i hope. his vulgarity can only be stomached for so long. his dire sense of humor. the way he demands things, and pushes himself into the most inappropriate places in my life. disgust. so much disgust can only be bottled for so long before it needs a place to rupture to. and he i find soo utterly repulsive.
and unfortunately, i have found myself on the rebound. i never thought this would happen. i would never need to go through this experience. but its happening. right now. i need an outlet for my affection. my concentration. its sad. horribly sad.
there has been so much snow outside. it comes, then goes. then comes again, then metls away within the hour. such a fickle thing, weather.
But i have made the decision now, to push myself out into society. I have been hibernating in this house for a week. and i need to get myself into the universe. badly. this sort of behavior should not be.. accepted by the normaly functioning citizens of this world. So.. in respect to my decision, i am going to go.. out. i don't know where. i haven't been to the market in months. maybe i should start there.. i usually have it sent for.. but maybe i need this new interaction with the common populace to come to grips with the reality that i am a single person with a life to live..
he's sending messages to my phone. how lovely. and they aren't even considerate.. or kind or nice.. or even happy.. and he doesn't want me.. fine. no more tears. no more heartache. time to face the world, even in the dead of winter.. now on with it. i shall be happy.

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