Monday, October 3, 2011


The air was whispering through the trees, the rain starting to tinker as it hit the leaves.  Ash paced the patterned floor to the woods around the paths that were so familiar.  Swirling designs with the toe of her shoe, she waited at the gazebo, wishing away the minutes into the eternal abyss.  There were moments like these when she could think without judgement, think without fear, realize the reality sinking the ships of desperate emotion around her. 

Winking up at the overcast sky, she sighed out her ancitipation of the coming conversation. This was it. She was going to have to do it.  Blinking back the moisture in her eyes, she rubbed the hardening abdomen around her core. Little bundles of joy come in different shapes, sizes, and genders. 

 Crunching twigs under truck tires woke Ash from her reverie.  The engine shut off, releasing a groan from the long hours of travel it had had to endure.  Rugged and worn in the elements, Ash watched the love of her life saunter toward her, a defeated smile crooked across his lips.  She hesitated, grinning into the doom certain to come.  Raising her arms, he nuzzled into her neck, welcoming her warm scent.  "You look good. Man, I've missed you." He kissed her forehead, closing his eyes, willing the strenght to come back.
     "You didn't have to come. I told you I have things under control here." Wincing, she sniffled back the turmoil inside. This was going to be hard.
     "But I Want, to be here. I want to help, and be the one who helps take responsibility."
     "Kingsley, have I ever mentioned how stubborn you can be?"
     His eyes darkened, "Have I ever told you how ignorant you can be?"
     "What are we gonna do first? I'm not leaving. I want to stay here."
     "I guess that's where we'll start."

"Ash, honey, you've brushed the same piece of hair about twenty times now.  It's not going to get any easier, no matter how long you sit there."  Glancing at Ty in the mirror, I moved my brush to another section.  My parents were due home anytime, and all I could think about was vomiting.  Rubbing my shoulders with his thumbs, he started singing, that signature thing he did when he was trying to lighten the mood. Only this song, was our song.  Romance in a dark time. Classic. 
      Swiveling my stool into his legs, I grabbed his waist. Hugs make everything better. "You smell good."
     "Yeah? My new man scent. Courageous Coward. Like it?" How could i not help but smile. He was anthing but. 
     Pulling him down to my level, I took his hair between my fingers, squaring him right in the eyes.  Gravity was pulling into seriousness, seizing the moment.  "Whatever happens, whatever is said, I need you to know that I will always, always, Love you.  Maybe we've never really said it, for real, but I do, whether you want to hear it or not, and I need you to know, that nothings going to change that. Nothing."
     His brows furrowed together, wiping the trailing drops from my eyes.  He started out husky, ", more than you can possibly comprehend.  You can't change it. Tonight won't change it.  That, I promise."

Outside, the gravel popped in warning to the oncoming company we were about to have.  Sweeping the room with a look, i took Ty's hand, and led him to the slaughter.

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