Monday, August 1, 2011

Ty & Ash

I couldn't really help the emotions coursing through my body. Love lost is love won, but Ty was my whole world.  Without him there was nothing left for me to do. I could go to school and really buckle down into a career, yet there was still that haunting feeling that everything was going to change for the worse, and that was something i couldn't bear facing.

Ticking off the last hours of summer pierced my body with agony. Burning behind my eyelids were the tears of remorse.  Days and weeks of the calendar flickered through the air, tangible with tantric scenes seared into the ridges of my mind.  Clutching the sides of my chest, I waited for him to pull the truck around to the front door.  Melodramatic as it was, tonight was our last dinner, detailed by the stiff silence.  Everything had been uncomfortable.  Neither of us had barely uttered a word, nor looked at each other.  Of course in the backs of our minds, it was completely ridiculous, we would obviously be seeing each other.   Finality just must have that effect on people.

Rumbling to attention, the cherry red auto was waiting for me to come inside.  Little mournful drops of woe started sprinkling from the sky, sort of an omen capturing the moment. He pulled around to our spot in the grove. In the dark, i could feel his eyes searching out my face, his thumb running worried circles onto the back of my hand and fingers. "What have you been hiding from me all night?" he whispered over the rain.
i shook my head. speaking was only going to force the tears.
Slowly pulling me to his side of the car, he wrapped his well formed arms around the shudders that were threatening to compel the sobs just caught in my throat. "Shhh... Baby, it's all gonna be OK! I promise. Don't be so upset. We'll make this work."
I batted my wet eyelashes up at him.  "I love you."  Blinking a few times up at the ceiling, one glimmering tear shone in the moonlight, emotions unknown surging like electricity.

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