Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Could have Happened pt. 1 contd.

"Pssst! Hey! Let me see your notes."
Startled, Ash swiveled the direction of the voice.  "What?"
Fair blue eyes pierced hers.  "Let me see your notes," Ty recanted with an upturned lip.
Timidly passing them, she was thankful she had managed not to scribble Ty's name all over the page's edge.  He caught her eye again to hand the sheets back.  "Thanks," he whispered, wiggling his eyebrows.
  Ducking her head, she tried to copy down all the babble concerning the appropriate uses of the adverbial clause.
  To Ash's dismay, she heard another hiss being whispered from Ty's desk.  A small folded gum wrapper tumbled onto her lap.  Gingerly inspecting the material, she followed the imperative command of "Open Me."  Peeling the corners apart, the words she read caught her breath.
  "Your eyes get sparkly when you do that."
  Chancing a peek at her tormentor, what she saw knocked all sense out of the day.   Darkened sapphire eyes boring right into her own chocolate brown ones told all too much about how Ty was feeling at the moment. Scared, she quickly diverted her thoughts.
  It took everything in her to breath after that.

Days lumped into weeks as time passed, and steadily the new relationship grew from its flirtatious banter to something else entirely.  Deep down, Ashton could feel the new intimacy building between Tyler and herself.  Time spent away from him was spent daydreaming of their future, and often she was shocked by the intensity of her own emotions.  Something had transpired, and it was binding him forever into the corridors of her innocent heart.

What used to be her locker before her now took on the distinction of a pair of hands, darkening her vision.  A slow smile crinkled against her soft features.
  "Guess who?"  The laughter in his voice was barely in check.
  "Hmm. Let me guess.  Do yiou have honey colored curls?"
  Low chuckles rumbled from his chest.  "Well, some do call them my golden locks."
  "Do you have blue eyes?"
  "That's actually dependent on the day.  Right now i think they're a little gray."
  "Are you hilariously funny with very odd talents?"
  "Do you think you could ask anymore questions?  I'm not vegetable, mineral, or anything else off of your list of 20 questions. Just say it, good lord."  Tyler bit back a laugh.  She was cute.  Definitely cute.
  "Lemme see.. Could it be Tyler?  'Cause he's the only one i know who could fit all those requirements."  Quivering with laughter, her mouth was suddenly caught up with his.  The sensation he gave her never grew old with every touch pulsing pleasure through her veins.
  "Did you notice your ends were purple?"  Ringlets curled around his fingertips.
  "What?"  She gasped, snatching her colored flaxen waves from his grasp. "When did this happen?"
  "Last period when i got bored.  It just looked so tempting.  Your hair looks really pretty like this... and i just wanted to touch it."

  There was that feeling again. I couldn't help it.  Everything he did made me love him more.  He did silly things like that all the time, and somehow i knew deep down inside he was right for me. He was perfect in my eyes, and at the time i believed he was my Prince Charming.
  You know, he would even catch me unaware sometimes, when i really wasn't paying attention, and would lean over and sing sweet songs in my ear.  It didn't matter the moment, or what i was doing, what i had on-- he always had a song for me.

Lazily dreaming away the minutes at the picnic tables outside school was where Tyler found Ashton.  Sifting her wheat curls through his fingers, he watched the fine tendrils dance in the breeze.  A secret smile twisted his lips.  It was the smile  used only in his most vulnerable of moments: the one he used whenever Ashton crossed his mind.  Gently brushing her hair away from the slope of her neck, he softly hummed the bars of her favorite song against her ear. 
  Lowering her lashes, she memorized the moment, content to stay in that spot for eternity.  It was perfect in all of its elements.
  There was something to the trust they shared.  It was being able to be moldable together. It was trust in the other to be the strength one needed to have for the confidence they both possessed.  As lovely as the moment happened, however, Ashton couldn't help but ask herself just what Tyler felt.  She knew, even in the smallest of instances, that she loved him.  Never had she confessed it, but never had he given any verbal inclination that he might be one to love her.
  Yes.  She felt his love.  Saw his love in his actions.  Felt his love in the attraction he spoke of to her. But did he feel it too?

Exams were coming up.  The pressure for high grades mounted.  Exhausted due to absolutely no sleep, Ashton let her head fall onto her locker.  Something rattled from within the metal casing.  Frowning, she lifted the latch to pry the door open. 
  The sight astounded her.  Taped to every tangible surface revealed a note of somekind from Ty.  Song lyrics he made habit to sing, and descriptive memoirs of the times they had shared.  Even details from the Christmas party they had attended.  Blurred vision gave way to tears.  Joy emitted from her core.  That was what it really felt like.  An explosion, perhaps, of tiny sun shine rays and beams bouncing off every corner. 
  Eyes brimming, she sought him out in the small, gathering crowd.  There he stood, eyes holding a new intensity.  His orbs dark with a fierceness she'd never witnessed before.
  She stared up at him.   That moment would seal their roles forever.

  I thought he was going to.  Hoped he would have.  Right there in front of everybody.  But he didn't.  At the perfect second in time - when that ethereal moment passed and I felt eternity sucker punch me in the stomach - someone called his name.  Just like a bad chick flick.
  Our gazes were still locked, but slowly he pulled back, and faced the direction of the name sayer.  Clearing his throat, Ty answered her.  All in the same instant I knew love and hatred as potentedly placed on the appropriate heads.
  Life went on as normal.  In some ways we were bound by an unspoken word.  Something had happened. Just neither of us knew what.  But i felt it was coming to a close before i was ready for it to even begin.  Unfortunately, the close was coming faster than i had hoped.

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